2024 Iowa Event Calendar | meetingpages

Please note that meetingpages does our best to provide accurate information, but events may change without notice.  If you have calendar items to add or change, please contact press@meetingpages.com.



9/9-11: UMCVB Fall Conference; Mayo Civic Center, Rochester, MN; For more information visit http://umcvb.com/.

9/23: ISAE Quarterly Membership Meeting; Marriott West Des Moines, Des Moines, IA; 11:00 am - 2:45 pm; contact admin@iowasae.org or (515) 284-7055 for more information.

9/26: ISAE Roundtable: Lawyers, Lawyers, Lawyers; Nyemaster Offices, Des Moines, IA; 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm; contact admin@iowasae.org or (515) 284-7055 for more information.


No events scheduled at this time.


11/18: ISAE Quarterly Membership Meeting; Stoney Creek Hotel, Johnston, IA; 11:00 am - 2:45 pm; contact admin@iowasae.org or (515) 284-7055 for more information.


No events scheduled at this time.