Business Travelers Report Spending Frugality

A survey by cash back app Dosh has found a frugal streak in United States-based business travelers who travel at least once a month. Among 500 business travelers interviewed in October, 47 percent ate at less expensive restaurants, 43 percent opted out of room service, 42 percent searched for cheaper itineraries, 28 percent changed travel dates to get better rates and 16 percent entertained clients at less expensive places.

Moreover, the survey found that 25 percent of business travelers did not expense their employer for items that cost between $11 and $20, even though 60 percent of these items were legitimate business travel expenses.

Getting Personal

Survey respondents reported spending plenty of their own money on personal travel expenses while traveling on behalf of their employers. Forty percent spent between $100 and $400 on personal travel expenses per trip, and 15 percent spent between $400 and $600. Younger travelers tended to spend the most, with Millennials reporting personal travel expenses between $400 and $1,000 per trip, which may point to the trend among this group of adding leisure days to business trips. A recent Global Business Travel Association report showed nearly half of Millennial business travelers added a leisure component to their business trips at least once in a 12-month period.
